Do You Know?

Every 6 seconds person dies from HEART ATTACK and Every 10 seconds person dies from STROKE.

People having underlying medical conditions will have serious complications
and may even lead to Death

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Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can cause hardening and thickening of the arteries, which can lead to a heart attack, stroke and  other serious complications.



People with diabetes are more susceptible to developing infections, as high blood sugar levels weaken the patient’s immunity.

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Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a class of diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels. CVD includes coronary artery diseases such as angina


Acute Lung Injury

It leads to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).it is a common complication of systemic inflammation and sepsis


Acute Liver Injury

A condition which can cause serious complications, including excessive bleeding and increasing pressure in the brain. It’s a medical emergency situation.

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Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can cause hardening and thickening of the arteries, which can lead to a heart attack, stroke and other serious complications.



People with diabetes are more susceptible to developing infections, as high blood sugar levels weaken the patient’s immunity.

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Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a class of diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels. CVD includes coronary artery diseases such as angina


Acute Lung Injury

It leads to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).it is a common complication of systemic inflammation and sepsis


Acute Liver Injury

A condition which can cause serious complications, including excessive bleeding and increasing pressure in the brain. It’s a medical emergency situation.

To Live a fearless life we have to make our Body and Mind Strong

India’s first wellness device which gives a scientifically and technically Proven 20 Minute Treatment

What happens in 20 minutes Endocare Treatment ?

generation of Redox Signalling Molecules (RSM)

During Endocare Treatment , RSM are generated

RSM are the communication center in your cells

RSM are responsible for sending powerful messages that  help to:

Rejuvenate |

Restore |



Rejuvenate Cells

Restore Cells

Protect Cells

this slowpoke moves

Endocare treatment prevents endothelial dysfunction

the Key Organ In Our Body is Endothelium

endothelium is a Single Layer of Cells lining our organs,
Blood vessels and Heart in our body

endothelial dysfunction can lead to

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Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can cause hardening and thickening of the arteries, which can lead to a heart attack, stroke or other serious complications.

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Blood Clot Formation

Blood clots are dangerous as they can travel to the arteries or veins in the brain, heart, kidneys, and lungs , which in turn can cause heart attack and even lead to death

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Heart Attack

Endothelial dysfunction leads to formation of blood clots which are dangerous as they can travel to the arteries of heart and cause heart attack.

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Brain Stroke

Endothelial dysfunction leads to formation of blood clots which are dangerous as they can travel to the arteries of brain and cause brain stroke

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Kidney Damage

A condition in which kidneys suddenly can’t filter waste from blood. it can lead to chronic kidney disease, or even kidney failure.

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Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can cause hardening and thickening of the arteries, which can lead to a heart attack, stroke and other serious complications.

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Blood Clot Formation

Blood clots are dangerous as they can travel to the arteries or veins in the brain, heart, kidneys, lungs and limbs, which in turn can cause heart attack and even lead to death

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Heart Attack

Endothelial dysfunction leads to formation of blood clots which are dangerous as they can travel to the arteries of heart and cause heart attack.

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Brain Stroke

Endothelial dysfunction leads to formation of blood clots which are dangerous as they can travel to the arteries of brain and cause brain stroke

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Kidney Damage

A condition in which kidneys suddenly can’t filter waste from blood. it can lead to chronic kidney disease, or even kidney failure.

endothelial dysfunction is the mother of all Diseases

Endocare mechanism of Action

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Endocare Treatment Prevents Endothelial Dysfunction

Endothelial dysfunction can result  in vascular diseases like Blood pressure,Diabetes that leads to Heart attack and Stroke

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Endocare Treatment Improves Micro-circulation

Microcirculation is responsible for delivery of oxygen and nutrients and removal of carbon dioxide from the Blood flow

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Endocare Treatment Maintains Homeostasis

Maintains the tendency of an organism to regulate its internal condition , to maintain health and functioning


Endocare Treatment Stablizes Heart Rate Variability

Unstable heart rate caused increased risk of death and cardiovascular diseases.It occurs in individual who worry more

endocare Benefits

how does Endocare empower your Body and Mind ?

endomed – Unique Feature of Endocare!

Accelerates Endocare Treatment Benefits

Endomed Benefits

  • Body & Mind Relaxation
  • Treats Depression
  • Boost Immunity

Is Endocare Safe and Easy to Use ?

one family one product

why should Endocare be a member of your Family ?

endocare gives a Scientifically and Technically proven dosage

One Endocare Treatment protects you for 72 Hours

it is recommended to take the Endocare Treatment Daily

the Best Advantage of Endocare Treatment is it can be taken

Anytime , Anywhere

endocare not only protects your body and mind, but the features of endocare
application provide many other benefits to your family

shouldn’t Your and Your Family’s health be the Topmost Priority ?

our body has its own way of Protection

endocare helps you to Activate it

Emergency can knock your door anytime

Dont wait till its too late

Start Endocare Treatment Now !

Endocare Health App is only available on google play store
